How To Choose A Smart Telescope

If you’ve ever gazed up at the night sky and yearned for a closer look at its wonders, you’re in for a treat. Astronomy, a time-honored hobby that has captivated humans for millennia, is now embracing modern technology in a way that’s revolutionizing the field. I’m talking about the advent of smart telescopes. This isn’t … Read more

Lunar Photography

Detailed Full Moon Image

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and been captivated by the moon’s serene beauty? You’re not alone. The moon has been a source of wonder for eons, and capturing its essence with a camera is a fascinating challenge for many photographers. The nice thing is that the moon is up nearly every … Read more

Astrophotography: Dark Sky Reserves

Colorful Milky Way Galaxy

Notable Dark Sky Sites If you’re eager to witness the splendor of the night sky in its purest form, you’ll want to pinpoint locations known for their pristine stargazing conditions. Dark Sky Reserves are such coveted destinations because they offer unparalleled views of the cosmos, thanks to the concerted efforts to minimize artificial light pollution. … Read more

Your First Total Solar Eclipse

Diamond Ring Effect

If this is your first total solar eclipse, make sure you soak in the whole thing. Many people who are witnessing their first eclipse focus too much on trying to capture the event with a camera. Getting really good photos of eclipses is really a highly specialized field of photography. Because of the changing lighting … Read more

The Importance of Solar Filters

Spectrum Solar Filter for Telescopes

While most of us assume astrophotography is a nighttime hobby, there is one object that is reliably visible during the daytime every day of the year as long as the sky is not entirely cloud-covered. You may have guessed this object is the sun. This is especially true in the summer when the sky cloud … Read more

What is Telescope Magnification?

Telescope magnification

The term magnification or “power” is often used to describe department store telescopes in order to oversimplify the “quality” of the scope. It makes it sound like a telescope with a magnification of 100x is more powerful, and therefore of higher quality, than one with 50x magnification. This is really far from the truth and … Read more

Planetary Astrophotography

Saturn and Rings

There are other objects to photograph other than galaxies and nebulae, also known as deep sky objects (DSO’s). Solar system objects including the planets, sun and moon are also favorite targets for astrophotographers, especially when you can tease out detail, such as the bands of Jupiter or rings of Saturn. Planetary imaging is not quite … Read more

What is plate solving?

Dinner Plate

What is Plate Solving? Plate solving is comparing an astronomical mage with a known database to determine the exact coordinates to which the telescope is pointing. Plate solving is done either with a local database on the users computer or by sending the image to an internet database. As accurate as the pointing is for … Read more

What’s in the Sky Tonight – Summer Season

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere (June through September) is a great time for astrophotography since the nighttime sky is pointing directly into the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. This part of the sky is rich in bright and colorful nebulae. This applies to both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Many of these objects are … Read more

Signal-to-Noise Ratio

signal to noise

What is signal-to-noise ratio and why is it important? The simplest definition would be the ratio of captured digital signal vs the captured noise acquired during the imaging process. In general, it is a measure of the quality of the image. Today’s digital cameras generate noise simply from the electronics inside the camera. Ideally, when … Read more