Astrophotography With A Smartphone

man holding cell phone imaging the milky way

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and felt drawn to the dance of distant stars, wishing you could capture that moment forever? Well, guess what? You can. And you don’t need a telescope or a fancy DSLR camera to do it. The allure of astrophotography is now more accessible than ever, thanks… Read Full Article

Histograms In Astrophotography

An Example of a Histogram Showing a Properly Exposed Image

What is a histogram?  In photography, a histogram is a visual representation of pixel “brightness” in the x-axis and the number of pixels with that brightness in the y-axis. The left side of the x-axis represents the dimmest or darkest brightness values, also called shadows, the middle represents the mid-tones, and the right side represents… Read Full Article

Night Sky Photography Composition Tips

Milky Way Seems to Point to Tree

Nighttime photography has its own challenges. From dealing with light pollution to getting just the right composition that blends land-based features with cosmic wonders make this a unique niche within the photography hobby. I have always been fascinated by the night sky, the way countless stars pepper the dark canvas overhead. As a photographer, capturing… Read Full Article

Full-frame Or APS-C Sensor – How To Choose

Full Frame vs APS-C

Today, I’m going to guide you through the fascinating world of camera sensors, starting with the very foundation. You’re going to find out about how these impressive pieces of technology capture the light and magic of the world around us, with a special focus on full-frame and APS-C sensors. At their core, camera sensors are… Read Full Article

Common Astrophotography Terms

Astrophotography Dictionary

  When I started out in the astrophotography hobby, there were many terms I had to learn. One of the first real purchases I made was a tracking telescope. It was a Meade LX200, which was a real workhorse in the hobby. When the salesperson told me it was a catadioptric telescope, of course I… Read Full Article

What Is In The Sky Tonight – Summer Edition

Milky Way Galaxy

As I gaze upward during the northern hemisphere’s summer months, I’m met with a canvas sprinkled with stellar spectacles. The sky transforms into a grand stage, featuring some of the most awe-inspiring celestial players. I recognize that summer astrophotography presents both tantalizing challenges and remarkable rewards. Grappling with the warm, humid air and contending with… Read Full Article

Safety Tips For Nighttime Photography

NIghttime hazards

Is it safe to photograph at night? It is always wise to take precautions when photographing at night or in remote locations. As long as you observe basic safety measures, you can make it as safe and enjoyable as possible. Astrophotography offers a window into the wonders of the cosmos, but it’s not without its… Read Full Article

What is Planetarium Software?

KStars Control Panel

Planetarium software simulates the night sky, allowing users to visualize stars, planets, constellations, and celestial objects based on the user’s time and location. It’s used for education, amateur astronomy, and astrophotography, offering interactive sky maps and real-time tracking of astronomical events. Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and felt a profound curiosity… Read Full Article