How Sensor Size Affects Image Framing

Full frame vs APS-C

In astrophotography, sensor size directly impacts how objects are framed and appear in the image, particularly when photographing celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and nebulae. Let’s break down how these principles apply specifically to astrophotography. 1. Field of View (FOV) and Framing Celestial Objects For example, a 1000mm telescope on an APS-C sensor (1.5x … Read more

Getting Started With Astrophotography

Helix Nebula

Imagine harnessing the grandeur of the cosmos and capturing it through your lens. Astrophotography does just that: it’s the art of photographing celestial events and areas of the night sky. I’m here to guide you through the foundations of this enchanting pursuit. In astrophotography, enthusiasts venture into different domains, each with its unique charm. Wide-field … Read more

Astrophotography – Long or Short Exposures

Long Exposures or Short Exposures?

Astrophotography is a fascinating blend of art and science, drawing enthusiasts who marvel at the night sky and long to capture its beauty. Two primary methods to achieve stunning astrophotos are long exposures and short exposures. Understanding these techniques is essential to elevate the quality of your celestial images. Long exposures involve leaving the camera’s … Read more

Astrophotography Etiquette

Astrophotography Etiquette

Astrophotography etiquette is all about showing respect, both to nature and to fellow photographers. This isn’t just about capturing stunning images. It’s about understanding the impact of our actions when we’re out there under the stars. Light pollution is a big concern. Even a small amount of stray light can ruin hours of work for … Read more

Northern Hemisphere Winter Astrophotography

Horsehead Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula

The winter solstice marks the longest night of the year, a perfect time for astrophotographers to capture the beauty of the night sky. It happens on or around December 21st in the northern hemisphere. This event means more hours of darkness, giving you prolonged opportunities to shoot stunning celestial bodies. Cold winter nights offer clearer … Read more

Monochrome Vs One-Shot-Color Cameras

ZWO ASI6200MM Professional Color Camera

Astrophotography is all about capturing the beauty and wonder of the night sky. The right camera can make a huge difference in the quality of your images. Two popular types of cameras for astrophotography are monochrome cameras and one-shot-color (OSC) cameras. Monochrome cameras capture images in grayscale, but they can be paired with various filters … Read more

Capture Star Trails With A DSLR Camera

Star Trails Over Trees

Star trails are stunning visual paths created by stars as they move across the sky due to the Earth’s rotation. Capturing these trails is all about patience and an understanding of night sky movements. The science behind star trails is fairly straightforward. Stars appear to move in circular patterns around a central point in the … Read more

Remote Astrophotography Locations To Explore

Australian Outback

  One thing is constant about astrophotography: the more remote, the better. First and foremost is the minimal amount of light pollution. Light pollution from urban places takes away the luster of the night sky, washing out the stars and dulling celestial objects. When you’re out far from any artificial lighting, the night sky takes … Read more

Astrophotography Apps For Stargazing


Stargazing makes a wonderful mixture of art with science through astrophotography and imaging. The moment those breathtaking celestial events are snapped and the timeless starry skies are photographed, then this includes having the perfect equipment and, at the same time, the perfect tools to maximize it. That’s where specialized apps come into the picture: changing … Read more

Sidereal, Solar, Lunar & King Tracking Speeds

iOptron HEM44EC Telescope Mount

Telescope tracking speeds are crucial for anyone serious about astronomical observation. They dictate how well your telescope can follow celestial objects across the sky, ensuring they remain within your field of view for extended periods. Accurate tracking is what separates a fleeting glimpse from a detailed study, making it key for stargazers and astronomers alike. … Read more

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