Night Sky Photography Composition Tips

Milky Way Seems to Point to Tree

Nighttime photography has its own challenges. From dealing with light pollution to getting just the right composition that blends land-based features with cosmic wonders make this a unique niche within the photography hobby. I have always been fascinated by the night sky, the way countless stars pepper the dark canvas overhead. As a photographer, capturing … Read more

Full-frame Or APS-C Sensor – How To Choose

Full Frame vs APS-C

Today, I’m going to guide you through the fascinating world of camera sensors, starting with the very foundation. You’re going to find out about how these impressive pieces of technology capture the light and magic of the world around us, with a special focus on full-frame and APS-C sensors. At their core, camera sensors are … Read more

Common Astrophotography Terms

Astrophotography Dictionary

  When I started out in the astrophotography hobby, there were many terms I had to learn. One of the first real purchases I made was a tracking telescope. It was a Meade LX200, which was a real workhorse in the hobby. When the salesperson told me it was a catadioptric telescope, of course I … Read more

Nightscape Photography: Combining Land And Sky

NIghtscape over water with broken wall

Nightscape photography can take your breath away. I mean, who doesn’t get a bit awestruck looking at the sky peppered with stars, a soft glow of the Milky Way, maybe even a swipe of Northern Lights? Combine those with a landscape that carries its own weight in lush detail, and you’ve got yourself a visual … Read more

What Is The Best Telescope For Astrophotography

Sharpstar SCA260 Astrograph

Is There a Best Telescope for Astrophotography? Budget and desired targets are the primary factors. Read on! Can’t I just throw a dart at a dartboard? To simplify the choice a bit, if you want to photograph planets or small galaxies, look for longer focal lengths, something near or above 2000 mm would be a … Read more

WarpAstron WD 20 Mount Review

WarpAstron WD-20 Front Plate

Picture a clear night sky, where the stars are begging to be explored. As an astronomy enthusiast, I know that a sturdy and precise mount is the backbone of any stargazing or astrophotography setup. I have to admit that the new strain wave mount design has captured my interest as well as the interest of … Read more

Nikon D810a Vs Canon EOS Ra

Canon EOS Ra vs Nikon D810a

Astrophotography captures the beauty of the cosmos, turning the night sky into a canvas of stars, galaxies, and nebulae. A pursuit that marries art with science, it requires precision tools to translate the faintest glimmer of distant stars into stunning, crisp images. The choice of camera comes down to dedicated astrophotography cameras or DSLR or … Read more