William Optics FLT120 Telescope Review

William Optics FLT120 Refractor Telescope with Lens Cover and Mounting Rail

Name: William Optics Fluorostar 120 (FLT 120) Price: $3298 Specs: Focal Length 780 mm, aperture 120 mm, f 6.5, weight 7.2 kg, length 680 mm with dew shield fully retracted, 850 mm with dew shield fully extended, image circle 43 mm (with separate field flattener). Fluorostar 120 Features The Fluorostar series is one of several … Read more

My Astrophotography Equipment

My Equipment in Back Yard

My Equipment I live in a highly urban area with a Bortle value of around 8 or 9. I finally ditched the mostly reliable Meade LX 200 classic that I have had since 1996. It was a real workhorse in its time, but as equipment technology advanced, it became harder and harder to integrate into … Read more

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